Ms Monika Celebi
BA in Psychology and History – University of Haifa
MA in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy – University of Hertfordshire and the Guild of Psychotherapists
UKCP Registered Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Senior Registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist
NCT trained Antenatal Educator
Postgraduate Diploma in Antenatal Education at the University of Luton and the National Childbirth Trust
National Video Interaction Guidance™ Trainer and Supervisor AVIGuk
Areas of expertise
Video Interaction Guidance – dynamic assessments and expert witness services for the Family Court
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy
Baby Massage (Instructor)
Foreign Languages Spoken:
German, Hebrew
Monika Celebi is a parent infant psychotherapist, National VIG supervisor and trainer, movement therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She specializes in the perinatal period and working with families on the edge of care. She provides parenting support, dynamic parenting assessments and expert witness services. She has worked with families who experienced Domestic Violence and supported clients in psychiatric institutions in Austria, Israel and the UK.
Monika is the co-founder of Babies1st, a non-profit organisation supporting families in the perinatal period using Video Interaction Guidance and Watch Wait Wonder with individual families and with groups.
Monika has lectured, published and provides training both nationally and internationally on the subjects of perinatal interventions, working with families, who are in the family courts, video interaction guidance (VIG) and on facilitating parent baby groups.
About VIG
Video Interaction Guidance™ is a short-term evidence based intervention, which is increasingly recommended by the Family Court to improve the quality of interaction between parents/carers and their children of all ages. It is strength based and encourages parents/carers to learn from micro-analysing video clips of their successful interactions with their children and reflect on them together with the guider. Ms Celebi has practised VIG since 2009.
Further information about Ms Celebi can be found at: www.monikacelebi.com
Further information about VIG can be found at the AVIGuk website:www.videointeractionguidance.net